After the postponing of the live RAP Conference for 2021 the remaining contributions in virtual RAP 2020 can be seen here. Book of Abstracts can be downloaded here.
Dear Colleagues and Friends,
We hope you and those dear to you are well during these difficult times.
In the previous weeks, RAP Conference Organising Committee has considered options regarding this year’s event. We have taken into account the situation related to Covid-19 and expected consequences to people’s plans, having in mind that we wish to attract a wide international audience. We reached the conclusion that holding the conference in the first week of September this year, for which we had the congress centre in Thessaloniki provisionally booked, is not a viable option in the current situation. Another option, holding the conference online, was also not accepted, as we believe that live face-to-face contacts are an essential ingredient of a successful scientific conference. In our considerations, we have tried to accommodate the participants who might have a strong need to have their abstracts or full papers published this year.
We would like to inform you that we have decided to postpone the “live” conference to the next year. The conference RAP 2021 will be held from 31 May to 4 June 2021 at the same venue, KEDEA Centre in Thessaloniki. We encourage all participants to transfer their submitted abstracts to the conference next year.
Participants who wish to have their RAP 2020 contribution(s) published this year should indicate their choice by 15 June, and the contributions will be published in the Book of Abstracts and, subject to positive review, in the Conference Proceedings of the virtual RAP 2020 Conference in the following months. We have kept the fee for virtual presentation without submitted paper at 40 EUR, but, due to increased fixed costs and the absence of the “live” conference, had to increase the fee for virtual presentation with submitted paper to 120 EUR. Note that for the next year’s conference these fees will revert to a standard 40 EUR/90 EUR.
We kindly ask you to inform us on your preferred option by 15 June 2020 by return email:
1) I wish to transfer my contribution(s) for next year’s edition of the RAP conference.
2) I wish my abstract(s) to be published in the Book of Abstracts this year. (In this case, please submit your payment by 1 July 2020. Please contact us for payment instructions.)
3) I wish to submit full paper for the Conference Proceedings to be published this year. (In this case, please submit your paper and payment by 1 July 2020. Please contact us for payment instructions.)
4) I wish to withdraw my contribution(s) for RAP 2020 conference.
Many thanks for contributing the RAP Conference. We look forward to hearing from you. Please stay safe.
The latest coronavirus related developments could have an effect on planning for our conference. It is not certain that existing restrictions regarding public meetings and travel will be lifted in time for our participants to organise their attendance at RAP 2020. In addition, even if formal restrictions are lifted, the disruptions of work and private plans due to the current coronavirus measures may prevent many participants in realising their original plans and coming to Thessaloniki in the first week of June.
For this reason we are considering an option of postponing the conference to the first week of September. It would be held at the same venue from 31 August to 4 September. We still have not made the final decision on this, but are closely monitoring the situation and will have to make the decision soon.
We would greatly appreciate it if you could give us your thoughts on this. You can contact us at info@rap-conference.org
We would like to wish you and all those dear to you the best of luck in these difficult times.
Abstract Deadline Extension
We would like to inform you that the abstract submission deadline is extended until April 30, 2020, hoping this extension will give you enough time to finish your abstract(s).
Up to 3000 characters long abstract(s) (including spaces) should be entered via the abstract portal at the ABSTRACTS PAGE. The figures, equations, tables and references must not be included in the abstract.
Please note that it is not necessary to send an abstract to participate in RAP 2020 Conference. If you do not have a contribution, but you wish to participate, you will be able to register yourself as a regular participant and take participation in this event!
Abstracts imported until March 1, 2020 will be locked and sent to evaluation. The notification of abstract acceptance will be sent until March 31, 2020 for those abstracts.
RAP 2019 Awards
Awards for the best contributions of RAP 2019 Conference can be seen here.