Some oral, poster and virtual presentations from the RAP 2021 Conference can be found here. Please note that the presentations are arranged in folders by type of presentation, according to the Conference Programme, and that they are named after the first or presenting author.
The Book of Abstracts from the RAP 2021 Conference can be downloaded here.
Dear Colleagues and Friends,
We are happy that the RAP 2021 Conference was a success. This was the first time we organized a real-time online Conference, yet (almost) everything went smoothly and we had an opportunity to see many interesting presentations. Once again, we would like to thank all the participants of this year’s event, both those who participated online and those in the Virtual Session.
Now we are turning to RAP 2022 and do hope that after a two-year break it will be a conference on-site again. We look forward to gathering our community in Thessaloniki in June next year for live sessions and personal interactions. We are really longing to spend time together in both scientific and leisure activities.
Dear Colleagues and Friends,
The abstract submission and evaluation have been completed, The completion of the programme is ongoing, and we look forward to the RAP-2021 conference from 6-8 September. The conference programme will be available on 1st of September. The conference will be organized online via the Zoom platform.
This year there is no need to fill in a Registration Form, but a payment of the appropriate fee will be sufficient for us to register you. All registered participants with regular online oral and poster presentations will get a personalised Zoom link that will allow them to participate at the conference. Virtual participants should send their contributions by 31st of August, and they will be made available at the conference web site.
Please note that the deadline for payment of fee is 31st of August 2021. Please request an invoice for payment from the conference secretariat if you already haven’t got one.
We remind you that the deadline for receipt of full conference papers is also 31st of August. Sending the full paper is not the requirement for participation in the conference.
Once again, thank you for your interest in RAP-2021 conference. We look forward to your participation at the event.
Abstract Deadline Extension
We would like to inform you that the abstract submission deadline is extended until July 1, 2021, hoping this extension will give you enough time to finish your abstract(s).
Dear Colleagues and Friends,
The past one year period has been extraordinary for everyone. We hope you are keeping well.
We would like to announce RAP-2021 online conference in September this year and RAP-2022 live conference in June next year.
In 2020 we had to postpone the conference for early June this year. Unfortunately, owing to travel restrictions across Europe and the world, the organisation of a live event in June is not possible. In addition, postponing the conference for the second part of this year still carries a considerable risk. Therefore, we have decided to:
- organize RAP-2021 from 6-8 September 2021 as a full online event with regular online presentations (presented in real time) and virtual online presentations (sent before the conference and available on the website with no real time presentation). As usual, RAP-2021 conference will publish the Book of Abstracts and Conference Proceedings. In addition, we are considering the publication of a special issue related to most popular topics of the RAP conference in The European Physics Journal Special Topics, published jointly by EPJ and Springer.
- reschedule the live event for 6-10 June 2022 at the same venue – KEDEA Center, Thessaloniki, Greece. We do hope that RAP-2022 will be an excellent opportunity to enjoy friendly and collegial interactions in beautiful Thessaloniki and together celebrate the return to normal life.
The deadline for submission of abstracts for RAP-2021 online conference is 1 June 2021, and the deadline for the submission of full papers is 31 August 2021. We kindly invite you to consider submission of your contribution and also to forward this announcement to your colleagues who may be interested.
Please visit our website and follow us on Facebook for updates. Please do not hesitate to contact us at any time with your questions or suggestions.
We look forward to hearing from you and seeing you soon.