RAP conference has a tradition of sharing presentations from the conference in order to encourage cooperation and spread the word about new results and findings.

Since RAP 2024 was a hybrid conference, some invited and oral presentations are available below, whereas the presentations from the Virtual Offline Session can be found here.

We would like to thank the authors for sharing their presentations and we hope that they will lead to some new cooperation, projects and research.

Marko Andjelkovic, On-Chip Particle Detectors for Self-Adaptive Integrated Circuits for Space Applications

A. Savrasov, V. Zheltonozhsky, D. Myznikov, V. Slisenko, L. Sadovnikov, Determination of the content of 93Zr and 93Mo in NPPs radioactive materials

G. Tabatadze, From mapping to quantification: Digital autoradiography of 226Ra in human skeleton

I. Komatina, M. Živanović, P. Toroi, N. Kržanović, A. Tietäväinen, Half-value layer measurements in diagnostic radiology using X-ray multimeters

M. Voytchev, Testing and qualification of radiation protection instrumentation in France

H. J. Kim, D. Q. Nguyen, Y. S. Hwang, S. Kim, B. Q. Hieu Phan, Unfolding accelerator-based neutron spectrum by iterative Bayesian method using trans-stilbene scintillation detector

Š. Čerba et al., Measurement of neutron source anisotropy using the Mini Labyrinth experimental setup

B. Seslak, S. Tarjan, A. Mauring, S. Patterson, I. Vukanac, J. Burnett, Development of a Novel 2D Printing Technique for production of radioactive surfaces

S. Akça Özalp, Z. G. Portakal Uçar, Y. Z. Halefoğlu, M. Topaksu, Thermoluminescence of beta-irradiated YBO3:Nd 3+ phosphor synthesized by combustion method: A preliminary study

J. Nikolov et al., Modification of standard LSC method for determination of uranium in water

D. Prifti, K. Tushe, J. Shano, Natural Radiation Background Assessment and Determination in Tirana District, Albania

J. Shano, E. Bylyku, D. Prifti, K. Bode, B. Daci, Assessing ambient radiation: A comprehensive study of airborne natural radioactivity in Albania

S. Vairachilai, Z. Stamenkovic, S. P. Raja, Machine Learning Model for Classification of Space Radiation

F. Vargas, M. Krstic, M. Andjelkovic, S. Andreev, A. Balashov, M. Ulbricht, J. Chen, Robust Systems and Technology Dissemination for Space Applications: from cross-layer analytics to an open-access reliability framework

J. Chen, M. Andjelkovic, M. Krstic, Agile Hardware Development Flow for Radiation-Hardened System in Aerospace Applications

R. T. Syed, M. Andjelkovic, F. Vargas, M. Ulbricht, M. Krstic, A survey on multi-level fault injection in ai accelerators

F. Kuentzer et al., Peakrad - A completely European, ITAR-free microcontroller for space applications

G. Kramberger, Presentation of CERN-DRD3 collaboration on solid state detectors R&D

E. Yilmaz et al., Fabrication of silicon-based PIN photodiodes and evaluation of preliminary electrical characterizations for radiation applications

I. Ruiz-Garcia, J. A. De la Torre González, A. J. Palma, D. Guirado, M. Anguiano, M. A. Carvajal, 3D dosimeter sensor based on the commercial PIN photodiode BPW34S

G. Lastovicka-Medin, M. Rebarz, G. Kramberger, J. Kroll, The Impact of the gain in Trenched LGAD on Ghost signals by comparing the Trenched PIN to Trenched LGAD

G. Tamulaitis et al., Improvement of timing properties of Ce-doped multicomponent garnet scintillators by heavy aliovalent codoping

A. M. Raso et al., Measurement and Monte Carlo simulation of diamond detector sensitivity to 14 MeV neutrons

E. Suraud, J. Kohanoff, L. Stella, P.-G. Reinhard, A guided tour in the description of irradiation dynamics of molecules and nanoparticles

G. Raikova, E. Mihaylova-Dimitrova, T. Malakova, P. Tzvetkov, T. Koutzarova, K. Krezhov, On the development of carbon-free gas diffusion electrodes to improve the zinc-air rechargeable batteries performance

E. Yilmaz, A. Kahraman, U. Gurer, E. Doganci, O. Yilmaz, A. Mutale, Comparison of the effects of different film coating techniques on the structural and electrical properties of HfSiO4/n-Si

A. Mutale, S. C. Deevi, E. Yilmaz, Co-60 gamma irradiation response on the structural and electrical properties of silicon nanowire-based Al/SiO2/SiNWs/n-Si MOS devices

E. Yilmaz et al., Determination of electrical parameters of the gallium nitrite based photodiode with simulation

C. Guerrero, B. Fernández, HiSPANoS fast neutron irradiation facility at CNA: capabilities and first applications

V. Filová, B. Vrban, J. Lüley, Š. Čerba, O. Glavo, V. Nečas, The fast neutron radiography using PADC material

O. Glavo, B. Vrban, Š. Čerba, J. Lüley, V. Filová, V. Nečas, Assessing SFR SUbassembly Depletion via Variational Analysis with the SCALE Code System

Z. Sobhy et al., Track structure based microdosimetry Simulation of energy deposition of electron and protons in liquid water using the Geant4-DNA

K. J. B. Alloko et al., Purification of Cs+ ion by BPA@MOF for the management of contaminated water

H. McCallum, E. Corcoran, F. Kelly, Z. She, Polonium sequestration from copper for dark matter studies

B. Daci, E. Bylyku, D. Prifti, K. Tushe, Radiochemical purity control of 99mTc-mertiatiade (MAG-3) radiopharmaceutical

D. Kuqi, E. Zeneli, M. Kuqali, The monitoring and assessment of electromagnetic fields near one or more base stations for telecommunication systems

M. Vinicius Silva, A. Teles, O. Araujo, A. Paula, D. Oliveira, R. Lopes, Arborescence in low voltage aluminum electric cable using images generated by X-ray microtomography and COMSOL multiphycs

Angel Ibarra, Irradiation Facility Relevant for Fusion Materials: IFMIF-DONES

T. J. Mertzimekis, I. Madesis, V. Lagaki, G. Siltzovalis, P. Vasileiou, Beyond the state-of-the-art solutions for in situ, long-term monitoring of radioactivity in the marine environment: the project RAMONES

M. Frontasyeva, Moss biomonitoring of radionuclides

A. Peshkova et al., Uptake of gold, silver and copper nanoparticles in Calendula officinalis and their effect on plants on biochemical parameters

M. A. Carvajal et al., Response of 400nm RADFET to a photon beam

I. Álvarez, J. A. De la Torre, M. Anguiano, A. M. Lallena, Neutron and gamma sensitivity for a SPND using Monte Carlo simulation

J.A. Moreno-Pérez et al., A comprehensive characterization of gas detectors in response to X-rays

A. Pérez et al., Development of deuterium-deuterium compact neutron source

A. Arzenton et al., Validation of a biophysical model for the radiobiology of radiopharmaceuticals

M. Tan, Hormesis effect on advanced cancer patients by Radium Spa in Japan

P. Bossew et al., A remarkable very small-scale natural radiation anomaly in Poços de Caldas, Brazil

M. Mousavi Aghdam, R. Rateau, P. Guyett, Q. Crowley, An extensive study on the impact of building and construction materials on radiation exposure: Incorporating airborne gamma surveys, 222Rn and 220Rn exhalation rate testing, mineralogical surveys, high-resolution microscopic scans, and geostatistical analysis

F. Ambrosino, M. Javed, Study on zeolites for radon adsorption and detection

V. Radolić, M. Poje Sovilj, K. Navratilova Rovenska, I. Fojtikova, D. Stanić, I. Miklavčić, The first remediation of elevated radon levels in one public school building in Croatia – A case study

Z. Bawitlung, Vanram Lawma, B. K. Sahoo, Measurements of radon content in water and radon mass exhalation rate in soil samples collected from high cancer incidence area in India

F. Mitrushi, B. Daci, K. Tushe, E. Bylyku, D. Prifti, Determination of radon gas activity level in bottled drinking water from different companies in Albania

D. Pressyanov, D. Dimitrov, V. Zajonchovska, Examining radon levels in soil gas and atmospheric air near the surface soil-air interface

P. Oluwadamilare Olagbaju, O. Bola Wojuola, Radon concentration and estimated dose in farmland, Rustenburg, South Africa

M. Kuqali, G. Rrota, G. Nafezi, D. Kuqi, Indoor Radon Levels at historical area of Shkodra city

I. Borjanovic Trusina, M. Rajacic, Parallel half-year-long radon concentration measurement at TCAS

B. Vrban et al., Assessing radiation exposure and room effect in the new lab with a DD neutron generator at STU

Y. N. Kim, S. Shin, C.-L. Kim, Sensitivity of neutron energy spectrum to estimate of radioactive source term in bio-shield of pressurized water reactor

E. Warzecha, N. Uhnak, M. Haney, L. Greenwood, B. Pierson, Neutron irradiations to improve nuclear data in support of nuclear forensics

J. Sabol, The role of quantities and units in the communication of CBRN risk to the public with special emphases on N and R components

E. Spahiu, M. Shyti, F. Cfarku, Determination of activity concentration in different coffee samples consumed in Albania and their Radiological risk in the Human Body

M. Shyti, S. Zeneli, E. Spahiu, F. Cfarku, Assessment of radiological impacts of radionuclides in soil samples of Dajti national park

V. K. Singh, Development of radiation countermeasures for hematopoietic acute radiation syndrome prophylaxis: Biomarker identification and validation for Animal Rule

A. Myssayev et al., Occupational exposure of medical professionals – The BECOME (Brain CancEr risk in joint CohOrt of MEdical workers exposed to ionizing radiation in France, South Korea and USA) project

T. Ombada, I. Suliman, Patient radiation doses and Diagnostic Reference Levels (DRLs) for interventional cardiology procedures in Sudan

D. Xhako, E. Spahiu, S. Hoxhaj, N. Hyka, The application of AI-based techniques for early detection of Breast Cancer (BC)

D. Xhako, S. Hoxhaj, E. Spahiu, N. Hyka, Cancer risk evaluation for high-dose chest CT examination during the COVID-19 pandemic

V. Doltchinkova, S. Lozanova, A. Ivanov, M. Kitanova, R. Nikolov, C. Roumenin, Effect of constant magnetic field on methemoglobinemia erythrocytes

M. Teodosievska Dilindarski, A. Atevikj, D. Lukarski, Evaluating the transferability of VMAT plans between dosimetrically matched Varian Clinac iX units for brain and head and neck cancer patients using an end-to-end test

C. Serafeim, S. David, I. Kalatzis, A. Skouroliakou, Combined fNIRS and EEG neuroimaging of the prefrontal lobe: Acquisition and processing protocols