The registration for Abstract Portal is now closed. If you would like to submit a contribution or ask a question, please contact the RAP Conference Team by email - info@rap-conference.org.


(this is your username)

The abstracts, not exceeding 3000 characters including spaces, should concisely summarise the work and the main results without using equations, figures or tables. References, if needed, should be incorporated within the main body of the text and not at the end as a separate list.

To submit your abstract(s), please register above and login onto the Abstract Portal, where you can create, edit, and submit your abstract(s). Modifications of submitted abstracts will be possible until the submission deadline; after the deadline the abstracts will be locked and sent for review and final editing and could be changed only after contacting the Conference Secretariat.

Abstract Portal will be open until the end of April.

For any queries/problems related to abstract submission, please contact Conference Secretariat at info@rap-conference.org.