- O. Izmestieva, Embryotoxic effect of low-intensity ionizing radiation in different periods of intrauterine development
- N. Rashydov, Dj. Rakhmetov, The appearance of prion-like proteins in descendants of soybean planted under radionuclide contamination in Chornobyl aliened zone for several generations
Radiation in Medicine
Radiation Measurements
- I. Stojković, N. Todorović, J. Nikolov, T. T. Borović, M. Vraneš, S. Gadžurić, Investigation of several new ionic liquids' behavior during 210Pb/210Bi Cherenkov counting in waters
- M. Vaccaro, A. Capotosti, M. Capogni, A. Fazio, T. Scotognella, L. Indovina, On site calibration of Ionization Chamber for 166Ho at Gemelli Hospital in Rome by using the portable ENEA TDCR detector
- D. Mavrikis, A. Markopoulos, A. Ioannidou, A. Savidou, Development of a method for characterization and segregation of metallic waste after decommissioning
- A. Markopoulos, D. Mavrikis, A. Ioannidou, A. Savidou, Radiological characterization of metallic waste on decommissioning by comparing real and simulated spectrum
- P. Kovacheva, K. Atanasova, M. Varbeva, Impact of rapid warming on the mobile forms of uranium and thorium in soils – a model experiment
- P. Kovacheva, K. Bineva, M. Varbeva, A study of the mobility of uranium and thorium in soils after freezing
- E. Syssoyeva, E. Polivkina, A. Yankauskas, Study of the effect of Sr-90 on plant variability
- D. Ganzha, D. Ganzha, D. Gudkov, A. Nazarov, Radiation dose rate and morphological changes in leaves of Betula Pendula Roth. and Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud) in some water ecosystems of the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone
Radiation Effects
Radiation Protection
- E. Fabiszewska, K. Pasicz, W. Skrzyński, Doses in contrast-enhanced mammography dual-energy digital mammography versus doses in full-field digital detector mammography
- K. Jankovic, S. Stankovic, A. Terzic, M. Stojanovic, D. Bojovic, Comparison of gamma and X radiation attenuation characteristics for ordinary concrete, concrete with barite and concrete with limonite and steel
- Y.-S. Min, J.-M. Park, Development of the safety indicator for Korea Multi-purpose Accelerator Complex
Radiation Technologies in Industry and Environment
Food irradiation
- Ya. Zubritskaya et al., Detection of chemical changes in X-rayed potato tubers using fingerprinting technique
- O. Khmelevsky et al., Development of a method to identify and quantify the content of the active form of protein molecules after exposure to radiation using enzymatic hydrolysis by trypsin
Material Science
- D. Cristea-Stan, L. Munteanu, Analytical investigations concerning copies after Roman Imperial Denarius – case study
- D. Cristea-Stan, G. M. Talmatchi, Alloy composition studies on some silver coins from the Hellenistic period. Case study: posthumous Macedonian silver coins and imitations of Histrian coins - Apollo type
- N. Krutyak, D. Spassky, E. Shabalina, D. Deyneko, I. Kudryavtseva, V. Nagirnyi, Luminescence of undoped and RE doped Na3Sc2(PO4) 3 under high energy irradiation
Medical Physics
- I. Grabska, P. Kukołowicz, Comparison of various types of ionization chambers in terms of calibration coefficients
- V. Metaxas et al., The effect of body mass index on patient radiation dose during lumbar discectomy and fusion utilising VirtualDose-IR software
- V. Metaxas et al., Relationship between patient radiation dose and procedural factors in anterior cervical discectomy and fusion utilising VirtualDose-IR software
Medical Imaging
- A. Wysocka-Rabin, M. Dobrzynska, Katarzyna Pasicz, Witold Skrzynski, Ewa Fabiszewska, E-ROD – A new metric to evaluate the relative detectability of two digital mammography systems
- M. Kalakos, A. Fountou, G. Fasoulas, G. Fountos, N. Kalyvas, P. Liaparinos, Dental X-ray imaging: the construction of a novel teeth phantom
- A. Kaloudi, D. Stratos, N. Kalyvas, I. Kalatzis, A. Skouroliakou, Infrared thermographic imaging of the human lower limb
- I. Grabska, W. Ślusarczyk-Kacprzyk, M. Szymański, P. Kukołowicz, Experience of the calibration and testing laboratory in establishing and maintaining a management system in accordance with the ISO/IEC 17025 standard
- I. Grabska, W. Ślusarczyk-Kacprzyk, M. Szymański, The number of radiation beams audited during TLD postal dose audit performed by the Secondary Standards Dosimetry Laboratory in Poland in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic
- W. Ślusarczyk-Kacprzyk, I. Grabska, M. Szymański, Secondary Standards Dosimetry Laboratory (SSDL) in The Maria Sklodowska-Curie National Research Institute of Oncology – results of the activity in 2018-2022 years
- I. Grabska, W. Ślusarczyk-Kacprzyk, M. Szymański, Results of the intermediate checks on the working standards used for routine calibrations of ionizing radiation dosimeters in a 60Co gamma ray beam – experience from over a year of calibration laboratory activity
- I. Grabska, W. Ślusarczyk-Kacprzyk, M. Szymański, The number of calibrations of electrometers with different types of ionization chambers performed by the calibration laboratory in Poland in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic
Biomedical Engineering