RAP conference has a tradition of sharing presentations from the conference in order to encourage cooperation and spread the word about new results and findings.

Since RAP 2023 was a hybrid conference, some invited and oral presentations are available below, whereas the presentations from the Virtual Offline Session can be found here.

We would like to thank the authors for sharing their presentations and we hope that they will lead to some new cooperation, projects and research.

G. Tamulaitis, S. Nargelas, Y. Talochka, Heavily-doped lead tungstate scintillators for fast detectors of ionizing radiation

K. Kaperoni, M. Diakaki, M. Kokkoris, C. Weiss, M. Bacak, E. Griesmayer, Novel diamond detector development for harsh neutron flux environments

M. Tzomakas et al., Effect of the activator material in Gd2O2S phosphor based EPID systems. A theoretical study

D. Kuźnik, A. Mrozik, P. Bilski, Y. Zorenko, Pulsed infrared stimulated luminescence of Ce 3+ doped YAG crystals as a dosimetric tool

N. Kalyvas et al., Towards the implementation of a phantom, for the low contrast evaluation of Electronic Portal Imaging Detectors (EPID): A theoretical study

A. Vertinskiy, E. Sukhikh, The implementation of a 3D verification system to analyze the effect of limiting the dynamic parameters of a multileaf collimator on the dose distribution

A. M. Ahmed et al., Local Diagnostic Reference Level for Computed Tomography Chest and Abdomen in Two Saudi Cities

E. Ghanim, S. Othman, A. A. Hussein, H. El-Samman, A. El-Sersy, Determination of thermal neutron dosimetry using nuclear track detectors

M. Costa, O. Sans Planell, F. Grazzi, F. Cantini, V. Monti, ANET-2D Multichannel Compact Neutron Collimators for high intensity pulsed and continuous beams

W. Arafa et al., Measurements of Th/U ratio using different techniques, comparative study

B. Kozłowska, G. Woźniak, Characteristics of the inexpensive 2D plastic scintillator detectors for radiotherapy departments

G. Woźniak, B. Kozłowska, Applications of 2D plastic scintillator detectors in radiotherapy departments

M. Y. A. Mostafa et al., Processing Heterogeneity Problem in the Case of Two-Dimensional Radiotherapy

S. Sahin, S. Kutay Ozen, F. Ertan, E. Sahiner, Development a dynamic liver phantom for radiotherapy applications

I. Muçollari et al., Evaluation of Dosimetric Plan Quality for Glioblastoma Treated with 3D Conformal Radiotherapy

J. Obhođaš et al., New insights from climate change studies using temporal trends of marine environment indicators

T. B. Meador, S. Jabinski, M. Pilecky, M. Kainz, L. I. Wassenaar, Novel isotope labeling approaches to determine organic matter transformations in the environment

I. Zivkovic et al., Applications of radioactive 197Hg as a highly specific tracer for atmospheric mercury sampling and calibration studies

M. Frontasyeva, Nuclear and Related Analytical Techniques Used to Study Atmospheric Deposition of Trace Elements and Radionuclides in Europe, Asia and the Pacific Region Based on Moss Analysis

M. Istrati et al., Bioaccumulation of trace elements in keystone bivalve and fish species in the Bulgarian Black Sea ecosystem

M. Shyti, E. Spahiu, Evaluation of proficiency test results of gamma ray spectrometry in determination of anthropogenic and natural radionuclides

J. Jiang, Experimental evaluation of different wireless sensor modules under Gamma radiation

H. Ko, C. Lee, Analysis of DPRK’s Trade and Prohibited Items of UN Sanction Transactions

A. Alboloushi, O. Alboloushi, A. Ismaeel, S. Al-Nuaimi, Monitoring of 210Po and Uranium in Vegetables and Fruits for Kuwaiti Adults

R. Izairi Bexheti, M. Ristova, Conceptual shielding design of sandwich walls for a particle therapy centre using Monte-Carlo simulations with FLUKA

I. Reinholds et al., Prospective Prussian blue - cellulose hybrid materials for the environmental and human protection from exposure to radioactive fallouts

V. Singh, Identification of biomarkers for acute radiation syndrome using various omic platforms and nonhuman primate model

K. Tushe, D. Prifti, C. Massey, I. Chairam, Challenges in the use of handheld radiation detection equipment and radioisotopes identification from front line officers (FLOs)

M. Lechintan, M. Straticiuc, F. Constantin, Improvement of hydrogen fuel cells seen by positron annihilation spectroscopy

G. Kramberger, LGAD sensors for application in proton CT

M. Cujic, Lj. Jankovic Mandic, D. Maksin, A. Onjia, Assessment of radiation exposure in area of holiday cottages in Šumadija region, Serbia

S. Harissopulos, A. Lagoyannis, M. Axiotis, A. Germanos Karydas, A. Laoutaris, I. Stamatelatos, CALIBRA: A national research infrastructure for accelerator-based research and interdisciplinary applications

A. Gerasimov, M. Balezin, V. Ilves, S. Sokovnin, Radiation-induced catalysis in the presence of metal oxide nanoparticles produced by pulsed electron beam evaporation

T. Prášek, M. Němec, 236U and its determination with accelerator mass spectrometry

P. Leivadaros, J. John, M. Němec, N. Kallithrakas-Kontos, Radioisotopic ratios in marine research – a multi-case study

Z. Kovač, J. Barešić, N. Todorović, J. Parlov, A. Sironić, J. Nikolov, Isotopic signature and mixing between groundwater, surface water and precipitation in the Zagreb aquifer area

A. Aba, O. Alboloushi, A. Ismaeel, Concentration of Selected Radionuclides in High Dust Deposition Areas: Consideration of Depleted Uranium

D. Gurau, Visualizing Industrial Processes with Gamma Process Tomography: A Non-Invasive Approach

J. F. Facetti Masulli, C. Taboada, Previous impoundment studies on Itaipu Dam: submerged biomass effect in water quality

M. Demeter et al., Biocompatible collagen based-hydrogels with a hybrid structure developed by e-beam irradiation technology

D. Prifti, K. Tushe, Activity determination of a 137Cs radioactive source used in oil-welling company in Albania

P. Bossew, J. Elio, A contribution to the current debate on the rationale of the Linear-No Threshold Hypothesis (LNT)

A. R. Petre, M. Enachescu, P. E. Mereuta, D. Pascal, D. A. Iancu, The 129I AMS measurements for determining the nuclear pollution of the environment

K. M. Szufa, J. W. Mietelski, D. Sala, M. A. Olech, 238,239,240Pu in the Antarctic ecosystems

C. A. Tuca, L. Done, Soil activity levels assessment for VVR-S nuclear Research Reactor Decommissioning area

I. Krajcar Bronić, D. Borković, T. Kanduč, A. Sironić, J. Barešić, Can we see differences between the 14C activities of urban (Zagreb) and rural (Cvetković) sites (central Croatia)?

E. Spahiu, M. Shyti, Levels of natural and artificial radioactivity in infant powdered milk consumed in Albania and estimation of the annual effective dose

P. Bossew, G. Cinelli, E. Petermann, P. Kuca, J. Helebrant, Relationship between Safecast ambient dose rate and indoor radon data

D. Savastru, M. Zoran, R. Savastru, M. Tautan, Anomalous radon emission as pre-signal of moderate to strong earthquakes in Vrancea geotectonic active region in Romania

N. Movsisyan, S. Hovhannisyan, K. Pyuskyulyan, G. Melkonyan, O. Belyaeva, Soil gas radon measurement in urban area, a case study of Yerevan, Armenia

M. Zoran, R. Savastru, D. Savastru, M. Tautan, Climate effects of aerosols and 222Rn on COVID-19 pandemic in Bucharest metropolitan area

J. Ajtić et al., Introducing a regional database of radioactivity in the air – GRAMON

A. Ismaeel et al., Revealing Relationships Between Meteorological Elements and Airborne Radioactive Particles in Ambient Air of Kuwait

F. Cfarku, I. Bërdufi, M. Shyti, Concentration levels of gross alpha and beta and annual effective dose in drinking waters of Albania

N. Nikolaeva et al., Application of the combined method of radiation sterilization for effective processing and preservation of bone material of ancient animals