Oral Presentations
Invited lecture is given in a Plenary Session. It lasts 25 minutes + 5 minutes for discussion – 30 minutes in total.
Keynote talk is given at the beginning of the corresponding Oral Session. It lasts 25 minutes + 5 minutes for discussion – 30 minutes in total.
Sponsor presentation is usually given in a Plenary Session after the invited lecture(s). The duration of the presentation depends on the level of sponsorship (40 minutes + 5 minutes for discussion – 45 minutes in total for diamond and platinum; 25 minutes + 5 minutes for discussion –30 minutes in total for gold; 12 minutes + 3 minutes for discussion – 15 minutes in total, for silver).
Oral presentation is given in an Oral Session. It lasts 15 minutes + 5 minutes for discussion – 20 minutes in total.
Oral presentation format – If the presenting author(s) would like to have a visual presentation to accompany their lecture/talk/presentation, it should be prepared in Power Point (versions – 97/2003, 2007, 2010 or 2013) or in Acrobat Reader (versions up to 2018.009.20050). The organizers cannot guarantee that the presenting author(s) will be able to run their presentation if prepared in newer versions of these programs or in some other software (programs or applications). There will be a laptop and a projector in every room in which oral sessions are held. The computers will have a Windows operating system installed with no possibility to run Macintosh files. If you would like to use your own laptop for the presentation, please check if it has an HDMI port, since it will be connected to the projector via HDMI cable. Please contact the Conference Secretariat (e-mail: info@rap-conference.org) if you have any specific requests.
Poster Presentations
The maximum size of the posters should be 0.96m (width) x 1.2m (height) – the size of the holders enables both A0 and B1 formats. The posters will be placed on the boards and fixed on the surface by using the tape supplied by the organizer.
The posters should be prepared by using sufficiently large fonts for the text and equations. The illustrations should also be clearly visible.
Since the posters will be presented in Room A, they should be placed at appropriate boards (marked by the organizer) during the refreshments or lunch breaks on the day when the corresponding poster session is scheduled. The posters should be removed after the end of the poster session.
The presenters should stay nearby their posters throughout the session. Session chairpersons will arrive at the beginning of the session, check if all posters are placed properly, check if the presenting authors are in their places, and overlook the course of the entire session.
Please contact the Conference Secretariat (e-mail: info@rap-conference.org) if you need any additional information or have some specific requests.
Virtual Presentations
They are sent as a PDF file created from Power Point or other programs like for an oral presentation (multi-page) or like for a poster presentation (one-page). Virtual presentations should be submitted by September 10, 2019 so they can be uploaded on time.