Virtual Session


Radiation Protection


  • C. Betsou et al., Trace elements in moss samples using Neutron Activation Analysis
  • A. Abojassim et al., Assessment of natural radionuclide levels for tea samples in Najaf, Iraq
  • D. Ganzha, D. Ganzha, A. Nazarov, B. Sploshnoi, The tensile breaking strength of Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud leaves as a chronic irradiation effect

Radiation Effects

Space research

  • A. Krivobok, Yu. Berkovich, T. Bibikova, V. Nikitin, A. Skripnikov, I. Konovalova, Studies of mutual influence of light and gravity on the model plants Physcomitrella patens and Arabidopsis thaliana in space flight conditions

Material Science

  • Y. Ergunt et al., CdZnTe bulk crystal growth and surface processing technology at METU-CGL

Medical Physics


Environmental Chemistry

  • M. Mantzari, M. Manousakas, J. Paatero, A. Ioannidou, Elemental analysis of TSP samples from Helsinki, Finland for the 1995 – 2005 period

Microwave, Laser, RF and UV radiations

Pharmaceutical Sciences
