RAP 2022 conference is organising a symposium dedicated to radon research.
The-symposium will run in parallel with the conference, from 6-10 June 2022, at the same venue. Symposium participants will have access to all conference sessions, catering, and social events.
An introductory invited talk “Current topic discussions in radon research”, by Peter Bossew from BfS (German Federal Office for Radiation Protection), will open the presentation and discussion at the symposium of the current topics across the radon research community.
Among topics to be discussed at the symposium may be:
· Problems of Rn, Tn and progeny surveying in different environmental media, including measurement techniques
· Rn mapping
· Estimation of exposure and dose, radiological, and epidemiological issues
· Rn as tracer in environmental science (atmosphere, climate studies, geophysics, resource exploration,...)
· Rn policy: legislation, regulation, Rn priority areas, action (prevention, mitigation, remediation), increasing awareness, involvement of citizens and stakeholders,...
Abstract submission via the conference Abstract Portal, presentation instructions, and fees are the same as for the conference.
Journal of the European Radon Association will publish a special issue based on the papers from the radon symposium. All authors of accepted abstracts will be invited to submit their contributions to the journal.
Important deadlines:
· Abstract submission: 30 April 2022 (one page, <3,000 characters, no figures)
· Full paper submission: 01 June 2022 (full papers are not obligatory)
- Web: www.rap-conference.org
- Email: info@rap-conference.org
We look forward to seeing you in Thessaloniki!